back to work

It amazes me sometimes how the rest of the world can be so organized. I just looked up from the Silhouette Nocturne book I’ve been writing as Kathleen to discover that it’s November, and darned if I don’t have a November book coming out(as Eileen). And not just any book; my beloved SINNERS AND SAINTS. If you’ve been with me, you know that the hardcover for SINNERS came out two weeks before Katrina hit. And that the book is about a forensic nurse who searches New Orleans for her missing sister—yeah. As a level 5 hurricane bears down on the city. Not good timing at all. And the reviews on the book were really glowing(I usually don’t say stuff like that, but this book meant an awful lot to me). Even more important than the book reviews, were the reviews I got from the cops and docs and other New Orleans natives who helped me research. They told me that it was absolutely true to the city, which is the most important opinion I think you can receive on a project. I can’t think of a US city I love more, even St. Louis, which is my native town. And I can’t think of more generous, inciteful, gracious, funny people than the ones who went out of their way to make sure I could tell my story.

Anyway, the paperback version comes out in a week or two, and I need to take a bit of time and announce it. I’ll add more in the next few days. Tantalizing you, if you will, with a peek into the twisted mind that created it(and I look so cute).

Til then, back to work.
eileen and kathleen, the evil twins

3 thoughts on “back to work”

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  2. Anonymous says:

    Blizzard warnings were issued to go to parts of Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin as snow socked the states in tandem with breeze gusts topping 45 miles (72 kilometers) per hour.
    The blizzard — 10 days sooner than the birth of winter — took its greatest chiming in Minnesota, where as much as two feet (61 centimeters) of snow had fallen in some locations, according to the Nationalistic Live through Appointment (NWS).
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