Busy, busy, busy

I’m back on the road again. I spent the last four days in New York with Jenny Cruise and Anne Stuart wrestling “The Unfortunate Miss Fortunes” into shape. God bless Jen, she has the other side of my brain I’m missing. I’m so right brain wind whistles through the left side(that’s the linear, logic side of the brain….you see my chronic problem). Jen actually posesses a left brain. So I have great ideas and Jen has great ideas and then organizes them. She did so by putting sticky notes all over the kitchen cabinets in the apartment where we stay(yeah. It really is living the good life, ya know? Having to go to New York because you have to write a book with two of your best friends). So by the time I left, my brains were smoking. And then I had to come to Topeka and give an all day seminar today. No brains left at all. I’m mute. Which is a fairly cataclysmic event for me. But I have tonight off before I head out tomorrow to the family cottage on Lake Michigan with my siblings, so I”m going to have a nice margarita, some protein, and a look at Miss Fortunes to clean it up before I go on. I just have to remember what we agreed was going to happen.
I just did the line edit on “Dangerous Temptation”, the first of the Daughters of the Myth trilogy. And I have to admit, I really still love this book. There’s danger, there’s magic, there are enough horny fairies to populate a strip bar. I mean, who knew? The best part is, the sexiest parts take place in everybody’s head. Shows you that it’s true that 90% of sex is in the brain. Poor Zeke. His brain was quite overloaded. I can’t wait to see what you think, especially since, except for a story I did for the old Shadows line anthology, this is the first paranormal I’ve done. I hope I didn’t break any of the fairy rules…although my friends assure me that they’re like the time travel rules. Pretty much what I decide they are.
I hope you don’t mind. I’m off to the bar now. I need to plug my ears so the rest of my brains don’t simply drain away.

eileenkathleen, the evil twins

One thought on “Busy, busy, busy”

  1. Wayne says:


    Can’t wait to read it. I just saw the cover on Amazon.com and it’s lovely.

    We’ve been discussing the line on eharlequin.com with Lindsay and all the other authors for the first few month.

    You must stop by.


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