
Eating My Way Around the World

on April 22, 2010

I’ve set myself a goal, and it involves travel and food, two of my very favorite things. I want to not put a pin in every country I can find on the Trip Advisor map, I want to eat there, too. I haven’t done too badly so far. According to that Trip Advisor map, so… Read More

Everything Changes

on April 20, 2010

I’ve been trying to figure out how to introduce this newest stage in my career. Oh, I’ve talked about the idea for my new book. I’ve shared the early progress of selling the book. And then, I know, I dropped the ball. I’ll tell you something I found out a few years ago. I have… Read More

This blog has moved

on March 17, 2010

This blog is now located at http://eileendreyer.blogspot.com/. You will be automatically redirected in 30 seconds, or you may click here. For feed subscribers, please update your feed subscriptions to http://eileendreyer.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default.

Rejoice, my druids!

on March 21, 2008

Yeah, I seem to have a lot of flower pictures latey. But I just walked out my door to see that there were tiny irises blooming by the walk. Deep purple ones. It hit me right in the head that it’s spring. You might think that is a fairly obvious conclusion. But we’ve had a… Read More

The Continuing Story of Eileen and the Book

on March 10, 2008

When last heard from, my manuscript was languishing in publishing purgatory(that place where you sit for eons thinking on your sins)(in publishing, those are mostly of pride). The good news was that two editors reacted very well to my manuscript–actually it was more than two, but the sales forces got in the way of one…. Read More

A small break in writing

on February 19, 2008

I’m interrupting the saga of Eileen and the New Book to present you a quick recommendation. Prague. There. Can’t say it any faster. I’m here now, because my husband has business, and I have business.I’m seeing my agent and publishers. Yeah. Does that sound cool or what? Believe me, a girl from St. Louis does… Read More

Late Frost in the Garden

on February 5, 2008

So I got the first news on the latest proposal. And, contrary to the sad flower to the left, it really is a mixed bag. One very veteran editor said it made her cry(that’s like making Dick Cheney cry). One said that there was too much history(in a historical romance), and another said it simply… Read More

The First Test

on January 20, 2008

The other day I posted about submitting my newest proposal. It is officially called THE THREE GRACES, a Regency historical romantic adventure(good heavens. How many labels can a person put on one book? Be happy I didn’t include time-traveling or vampires. You could have been here all day). The heroines of this series are Mrs…. Read More

It is finished. It has begun

on January 17, 2008

Actually I should have written this post about three weeks ago. But I’ve been having problems with my blog server, and if anybody hasn’t told you already, I’m the last Luddite. Be that as it may, the important thing is that I’ve put together a proposal for a brand new genre for me. Suspense fans,… Read More