Eating My Way Around the World

I’ve set myself a goal, and it involves travel and food, two of my very favorite things. I want to not put a pin in every country I can find on the Trip Advisor map, I want to eat there, too.

I haven’t done too badly so far. According to that Trip Advisor map, so far I’ve made it to 450 places in 15 countries. But I tend to focus more on the space on the Trip Advisor that does not have pins on it and wondering when I can rectify that. I spend the time between trips talking about the last one and planning the next one.

Which is where you come in. No, you don’t have to call Travelocity for me. But I’m a writer. I write about things that interest me. So I’ve decided that every Wednesday, I’m going to dedicate my blog to traveling, and it will be under the subheading “Eating My Way Around the World.” Because, of course, that’s what I’m attempting to do, and I’d love to invite you along….well, via blog, anyway.

Because I’ve done so much traveling when not blogging, I’ll share both the trips I’m taking now and the ones I’ve already taken. I’ll share tips I’ve figured out myself(like not wearing ballcaps, white tennis shoes and sunglasses to foreign countries–they call that the American Uniform), and some I’ve collected from other people. And, of course, how my travel impacts my writing, because it always does. Travel is my idea of advanced education.

So fasten your seatbelts and come along. I can’t wait to get started.