feeling MUCH better now….

So there I was about to go on the offensive about promoting my SINNERS AND SAINTS, which should appear in paperback any minute now, when Thanksgiving happened. Now you have to understand that Thanksgiving isn’t just a holiday in my house. It’s a sporting event. Because my lovely husband’s grandmother was a collector of note–the note being that she had no money and still ended up with enough Limoge to hold a state dinner– I always end up with Thanksgiving dinner at my house for my entire family; that was, this year, 34 people, all at linen tableclothes(on permanent loan from my sil who loves estate sales), crystal(mismatched) and Limoge plates. The place looks like a British officer’s mess, with tables taking up every square inch of available non-kitchen space, and my family taking up the rest as we cook two turkeys, and lashings of dressing(my mom’s basic depression dressing) and various other starch-ladened classics. We have a fabulous time, that usually ends with somebody getting whipped cream, if not an actual pie in the face(this year I was so honored. My 16 year old neice nailed me–and then teepeed my tree).

But since there can’t be a holiday without some kind of disaster(when my kids were teens and insisted on using my oven for pizza, we never quite got the dinner rolls cooked, because my oven would catch fire from the grease and turkey stuff—the good news is that my kids now have great disaster-related reflexes) this year my one brother managed to make my toilet overflow–right through the floor to where my son has rigged up all the various equipment that makes our internet run. Yeah. Hiss. Crackle. Meltdown. So I spent five days trying to replace it while hoping nothing big happened on email(good news. it was mostly spam).

So, now that you know my holiday trevails, I hope you understand the slight delay in my schedule of gushing enthusiastically about my book. And talking about the fairy series. As for the Unfortunate Miss Fortunes,with Jen Cruise and Anne Stuart, check in on Well Behaved at All Times. I’ll be back tomorrow with more on the background of SINNERS. I’ll also try and explain why I had to cancel the auction I’d hoped to do for the New Orleans police. I’m waiting to hear from them, and hope to have a fund that is equipment specific to replace it with.

Anyway, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, too. And you’ll stop by again soon to hear about SINNES AND SAINTS. I swear it will be worth it.

eileenkathleen, the evil twins

3 thoughts on “feeling MUCH better now….”

  1. I loved Sinners and Saints! I read it in just over two days (on and off…you know, with a husband, kids, pets, and work…). Usually, I read one book by an author and do not pick up anything else by that author (sometimes because the book was awful and sometimes because I am afraid the NEXT book will be awful). I’m happy to say that I’ll be getting your other novels soon.

    Why, I might even have to blog about you..

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