The Evil Twins themselves

So, there I was, perfectly happy writing suspenses and the odd romance(yes, all my romances are odd), when I hit a snag in suspenseland. There is going to be an industry-imposed hiatus on Eileen Dreyer’s suspenses for a bit. I’m really not happy about that, but all I can do is keep trying. In the meantime, I’ve gotten back in touch with my inner Kathleen Korbel, and voila! I’m contracted for three romances for Harlequin, and the aforementioned Three Authors in a Book deal with Jen Cruise and Ann Stuart. Since that’s the fun one, I’ll probably be talking about that for a bit. In the meantime, I’ll be tucked in my cozy office–rather than outside in the near zero weather, which I abhor more than American Idol and tofu–working on this new concept of collaboration.
As I do, I hope to give you a better idea of who the evil twins are(I always say that Eileen is reponsible for the phone bill and Kathleen never cleans up her bedroom).

EileenKathleen, the evil twins

One thought on “The Evil Twins themselves”

  1. Mia Zachary says:

    Noooo! Say it isn’t so!

    It’s not that I haven’t enjoyed your category romance [A Soldier’s Heart lives on my Keeper Shelf] but you know how much I love your medical thrillers and I’ve been dying to know when to expect the next one.

    Sigh. I guess I’ll have to settle for rereading all of your other books for the two dozenth time < grin>

    All the best, Mia

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